Sunday, November 8, 2015

Dakota Crescent, Singapore

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Those amazingly cool kids Ant and Stanley from The Little Drom Store were soooooo spot on with the things I would be interested in seeing in Singapore. One day they took me to explore Dakota Crescent, one of Singapore's oldest housing estates. For me this was photo paradise! Potted plants, pastel doors, clusters of washing, faded play equipment, patterned tiles, and hazy light. As soon as Stanley parked the car I think I was like 'Okay guys, I'll meet you back here in three hours'. That Aussie humour...just can't get rid of it. Unfortunately this beautiful little retro community is due to be pulled down and residents have until the end of 2016 to move out.

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This kind of reminded me of Culburra, where I spent most of my childhood summer vacations.

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The sign reads "Please don't throw cats here". Wahhhhh.

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The top of this stone table has a chess board carved out for local residents to enjoy. The faded paint with the pastel pink is just perfection for me.

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We walked around, popping up the residential stairways and Ant and Stanley even chatted through the windows with some local residents. MAN I wanted to take photos of that. But luckily you can see what the inside of some of these fantastic apartments look like over here.

Miss you, Singapore! And miss you Ant and Stanley! xoxo

And - love you, Tokyo. It's a grey and rainy day over here in Shimokitazawa. I'm listening to Grimes' new album and relaxing looking out over this gorgeous almost-winter weather. OMG and Koichi got us tickets to Grimes' live in Tokyo! Yassssss! ありがとうこいちさん!Man, and look at this amazing tour schedule. I want a dream schedule like this! Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Utrecht...The dream! And she's also going to Sydney and Melbourne for any Aussie readers out there.

By the way, I'm off to Shiogama next week for a workshop with Birdo Flugas, and then back to Ishinomaki to visit Hiro-san again!

Love Love
Hello Sandwich


  1. Omg no way you are coming to Shiogama? I live in the town next over, how do I get to your workshop? Can you post the info please~

    1. Thank you for adding the link! I don't have any kids yet myself, but hopefully I can stop by before work. c:

  2. Ummmm. I die. Love you loads, Beastie.

  3. Your photos are absolutely stunning, going through your blog is such a treat.
