Yesterday Hiki-chan and I saw the lovely 'Making a home' exhibition by Hanna and Hana at Biotape in Gakugeidaigaku. It was such a beautiful exhibition with finely delicate works painted with gouache in the most adorable colours. The two Han(n)a's made a series of complimenting works on the same subject on the same size paper. You can see an example of what I mean in this last picture above where the girls have taken the subject matter of a bird and each drawn it in their own original way. It's worth clicking on these girls websites for a peek at their other beautiful work.
The exhibition has left me inspired to get to work drawing and recording my daily life in Tokyo inside these new notebooks I bought from Itoya last week. Aren't they pretty notebooks!? I bought all of these for under ¥2000! P.S. If you love Japanese stationery, you'll love Justine's round up of Tokyo stationery shops.
Oh did I tell you I've joined the local gym here and started to do aerobics lessons (in Japanese!). Wow it's really like the water aerobics scene from lost in translation! I can't really understand much at all!
Occasionally however, the instructor will call out something like 'stepu tachi' which is something like a 'step touch / tap'! And at one stage she glanced over to me when I was doing my mambo and called out 'Suteki!' so I think i must not be doing too bad! I'm happy to be taking aerobics classes in Japanese! It kind of kills two birds with the one stone, I can get fit and learn Japanese at the same time!
Also, there is a little interview about me over here at Daily Imprint *blush*. Special thanks to Real Living Magazine's Natalie for the sweet as pie words!
Love Love
Hello Sandwich
very cute exhibition! i like the simplicity of it :-)
ReplyDeleteHey Aron! Ooooo it would have been so fun if you could have come with us! We saw a little fluffy Schnaupi dog along the way, and took pictures of Tokyo potted gardens, and also popped into our favourite second hand bookshop where I got a little Shimo guide for ¥500! such a lovely day!
ReplyDeletecome and visit soon please lovely make-it-easy-kun!
i would love to have those plates! i've read the your interview as well, and you love Hiroshi Sugito as well! haha, hopefully you could be his assistant, i pray for that! your live seems very wonderful there, happy : )
ReplyDeleteThank you for the blog mention and link Ebony. So very sweet of you. The exhibition looks beautiful, so glad to see you're living it up in Tokyo!
ReplyDeleteps. Love the notebooks too :) xx
japanese aerobics class sounds hysterical! i can only imagine. i'm taking japanese classes now and its working my brain like no other :)
ReplyDeletethat is so great, i love the idea of lost in translation water aerobics. and so glad you got a suteki:) i am sooo jealous you get to see that lovely exhibition, i would die to see it, i really really like their work. thanks so much for sharing the show here!
ReplyDeletehaha. The aerobics part is so funny. I can imagine! x
ReplyDeleteHello Sun! Thank you so much! ooooo yes those plates are so beautiful aren't they! I want them too onegaishimasu! I am so happy you love Hiroshi Sugito too! I have some competition now to win him as my husband! ha ha ha! Yes I am so happy here in Tokyo! It's just wonderful! I smile at the smallest of things! Thank you for your comment!
ReplyDeleteHello lovely Justine! How are you possum! My pleasure! I loved your stationery round up! oooo yes you would love the notebooks! You probably saw them while you were here!
Odessa hello! ha ha yes it's really omoshiroi I am sure if someone could be a fly on the wall and see henna ebo-chan do aerobics! Good luck with your Japanese classes! Ganbatte ne!
Ii-ne-kore-chan! Hellooooooo! I wish you could have come to the exhibition with me and hiki-chan! My pleasure for sharing the pics! Hiki took some too which I am certain will be much more beautiful than mine! Stay tuned in case she posts them!
Hello Kawaii Dawn Tan! ha ha I think I should start a Hello Sandwich Comedy Channel which notes all the stupid things I do here in Japan because I can't understand the language!
Thank you for your comments lovelies!
Love Love
Hello Sandwich
I love japan, even though I have never been there. It's "suteki" to see you living in Japan, its almost as good as visiting.
ReplyDeleteLove the notebooks as well!
Hello Jennifer,
ReplyDeleteOh you HAVE to visit if you have a chance! it's so lovely here! ha ha thanks so much for your comment! I am so happy you can enjoy Hello Sandwich! The notebooks were a gigantic bargain! And they are so lovely design wise! I only needed one but as you can see I couldn't resist!
Love Love
Hello Sandwich
I have the notebook on the top right!
ReplyDeleteI'm addicted to Japanese notebooks:)
Hi Ebony,
ReplyDeleteit was lovely to meet the fabulous woman behind the fabulous blog. Wishing you fun and adventures in Tokyo.
This Hanna and Hana exhibition looks beautiful!
Yours jealously,
hello sandwich, nice to meet you ^_^
ReplyDeletehello!!!! nice to find your blog :) great exhibition!!!!
I love the simplicity of theses note books! I miss Tokyo Hands!
ReplyDeletebeautiful exhibition, hi from ThriftyMiss in melbourne australia!!
ReplyDeleteHello Kate! oooo you do too! It's a goodie isn't it :) If you ever need another one, you know who to ask to send it to you okay!
ReplyDeleteHello Anna! So so lovely to meet you too! Wish you still lived here in Tokyo :( But I am happy you are enjoying exploring HK!
Hi Sympathy for the devil, hello there, nice to meet you too, thanks for stopping by Hello Sandwich.
Hello Barbara, oh thanks so much! I'm going to pop over to your blog to look today too!
Hello Ms M. Tokyu hands is the best isn't it! I wish i could just do stamp carving, book binding and drawing all day long every day only leaving the house to stock up on supplies from Tokyu Hands!
Hi Thrifty Miss, nice to meet you too. Hope you're staying warm in Melbourne. Hear it's very cold. Thank you for popping by Hello Sandwich!
Love Love
Hello Sando
hello! so nice that you visited the exhibition and such nice words. thank you. i'm already far away from tokyo but maybe it doesn't feel so far away with your blog. thank you for all the little news and pieces from there. and wow for fujisan!!